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The Community Monitoring and Information System(CMIS)

The Community Monitoring and Information Chart is a pictorial tool that helps even illiterate
people understand and take ownership for their village issues. It has proven to be more effective than the methods adopted by the Government through using the register. It is community-friendly and easier to track by both literate and illiterate people. The implementation process increases curiosity among the community as it provides a picture of the village with regards to those who have benefitted and those who are waiting to benefit. This increases community participation especially among women. Presently the Government has given responsibility to the Panchayats to ensure the rights of every family through family tracking but the Panchayats have been using registers to collect information at village level, which effectively excludes the participation of illiterate people. The Community Monitoring and Information Chart could be replicable in all villages of a Panchayat. Different
government projects like Odisha Livelihood Mission (OLM) and the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) have given ownership to communities to improve the livelihoods and health status of vulnerable families. The Community Monitoring and Information System could be easily replicated to monitor these government programs.

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