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South Orissa Voluntary Action(SOVA) works for the people with support of local community based organisation,different national and international voluntary organisation and government departments whose works towards community have been recognized by the society.Our special thanks to the partners who made our work possible through their visionary inputs and timely support:


Women and Child Welfare DepartmentSupport to needy and care children through child care institution and open shelter
Sampurna Barta – Integrated Community Mobilisation for Child Health Nutrition and Development.
JibanSampark- Participatory Communication with marginalized communities by using innovative communication training tools to build social and behavior change communication skills of frontline functionaries
KKSTo increased access to quality education and protection of children’s rights and wellbeing.
Paul Hamlyn FoundationStrengthening People's participation in the village development process through village Development Committee
EdelGive Foundation1.To improve school readiness for children of 3 to 6 years age by providing community-based solutions in partnership with anganwadis
2. To improve learning outcomes of 6 to 11 years children in grade-specific
reading, writing, and numeracy competencies
3. Mainstreaming children of poorest of poor families to education process through alternative livelihood options for their families
Childline India FoundationCHILDLINE 1098 service is a 24 hour free emergency phone outreach service for children in need of care and protection
Ensuring effective and well-functioning child welfare and protection systems enabling children to
access their rights with dignity
Both EndStrengthening Community action for better accessibility to government provisions and entitlement.

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