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Case study of Rupali Saunta

Rupali Saunta is a girl child aged 11yrs old D/o Father Dasu Saunta and Mother Kamli Saunta, belongs from Kondha Community (STStories of Change caste). Residing with her parents, two younger brothers and one sister at Gunjiguda village of Dumripadar Panchayat that is 60KM afar from district headquarter. Community does normally practice Kondh language in their day-to-day usage and Oriya is a foreign language though living at Orissa. 67 household of ST and 7 SC families resides in the village, main occupation of the people are cultivation and daily labour. There is Govt. Primary School established on 1971 with one teacher appointed. Rupali was regular to school upto class Vth in her village school but after her completion of Class Vth she joined upper class at Mathalput Panchayat Upper Primary School. Where, she challenges herself to understand teacher’s language at classroom, she attempted many times before her friends and teacher to make her understand in her language but didn’t help her to encourage

in her schooling life. And the poor financial condition of her family didn’t permit her to effort for extra tuition classes that has led her to quit from school. These days she is engage in demotic activities and grazing cattle’s at village. Though Rupali has interest in studies but the above mentioned factors are becoming hurdle to continue her schooling rather adding another drop-out in the district.

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