I am Meghanath Takri a youth of Umeri; I am 15 years old and studying in 7th at Umeri ME School. My father is a farmer, and we belong to a very poor family, education in our village is not so important, most youths start earning at a very young age, I also go for cultivation during seasons. I was a very shy person in my village; I don’t talk to my friends even. Football is a very interesting game and time pass as well as my favorite game. The youths of our village play football whenever they get time
One day SOVA invited some youths from our village to teach football, I was very happy to know that someone is going to teach football, but was scared by the name of SOVA, as I have heard they teach more about sex and sexuality HIV. But still I came to see what’s going on, fortunately I was selected among the 15 youths, I felt proud that I was selected.
I was prepared if they say anything about sex and other issues and I have to speak then I will slowly skip, without informing toanyone. After selection I was called for a 7 days’ workshop(coaching for Hope) at SOVA, I was introduced with international coaches, the program had a grand launching on 5th, when I saw other boys from different villages I felt happy, I was very happy as I will learn football from international coaches, but had a fear that will I be able to speak in front of all. But it was a very friendly environment created where I could relax; language was also not a barrier for me as each word was being translated. Slowly at the end of the 7th day I could realize that I have developed confident, and was able to speak before peoples, my shyness to speak about HIV, sex sexuality had reduced I was able to discuss among my group members and participating in each activity.
After going back to my village I shared my experience with my friends and family, I show them our photographs of the training, every one appreciated me and my confidence level could increase more. I am now teaching the youth of our village what I have learned; they are also coming to me to learn more about football techniques and its linkage with HIV. “I HAVE A DREAM TO DEVELOP A NEW AND BEST TEAM AND PLAY FOR MY COUNTRY, AND AWARE PEOPLE ABOUT HIV” and keep the name of my village and SOVA who gave me an opportunity to come forward.