The state of Odisha has one of the highest child mortality rates in India.
Taboos about the consumption of iron tablets, institutional delivery and exclusive breastfeeding play a major role in the morbidity and mortality of children. Our program seeks to empower women with the knowledge, medicines and support to ensure the health of themselves and their newborns. We have coordinated programs for over 52,000 people in isolated, high-need and previously un-served areas.
Awareness: We run health camps where our trained health workers and government doctors provide antenatal checkups, counseling, and vitamins and motivate women to utilize institutional healthcare services. In addition, we observe ‘World Breastfeeding Week’ annually with street plays, rallies and meetings to spread information. We also provide financial assistance to expecting mothers in emergency situations.
Advocacy: As a leading member of Zilla Swasthya Samiti (ZSS) or District Health Society, we lobby on the lack of health infrastructure and other service delivery challenges at the primary care level.