strong>Goal: To make the dream for the village a reality through children’s club.
To provide a platform to children to express their views themselves
To increase the participation of children in village works, especially in education and health
To enhance the skills of the children in identifying, recognizing, reporting and addressing the issues affecting them
To inculcate a sense of citizenship among the children
Motivating children to attend school regularly
Identifying issues and prepare of action plan to address it at right platform (SMC, VDC and Gram Sabha)
Supporting to strengthen schools
Organizing regular child club meetings at village level with proper maintain of minutes register
Creating awareness in community through Puppet Shows, rallies on stop of child labor & child marriage, enrolment and retention campaign
Motivating children to attend regular RIP centers for improve in learning level
Capacity building and skill development programs on Child Rights, Protection, Participation, leadership, communication and script writing
Organizing different competition to identify the hidden talents (drawing, essay, debate, quiz and script writing at Community Radio Station)
Respect of the children has increased in the community and their voices are taken seriously
Increased resilience of the children to adjust to any adverse situation
Teachers, parents and other stakeholders realized their responsibility when children in group raised the voice
Children of one decade back those participating at village developmental activities have now grown up and became responsible citizens, contributing positively for the community
Leadership quality has developed among the children
Reduce dropouts and increased retention level at schools of operational villages
Girl child are continuing their higher studies keeping away from early marriage proposal
This strategy is the most cost effective and can easily be replicated in any situation and at any part
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