Khogodora is a village situated 41KM afar from District Head Quarter, Koraput, one of the village of Dumripadar Panchayat of Koraput Block residing 52nos. of household with a population of 198(M-56, F-58), and 0-18yrs children 84nos (boys-44, girls-40). There is a Govt. Primary School established on 1973 appointed with a single headed teacher. But sorry to inform you that since past 2yrs there not a single month on a regular basis school has opened, teacher seldom use to visit once in every six month, and the more ridiculous thing happened i.e., the Republic Day of 2010 was not observed.
There after the intervention of SOVA-IPAP from JULY-2009, has started its work using the strategy of forming Child Clubs & Child Protection Committees (CPC) at all its operational villages. The regular strengthening meetings have steadily equipped CPC members in such a way that the members have realized the importance of education in the life of their children. Thereafter, efforts taken by CPC and Child Club members brought the issue of long day’s close of school especially in tribal background belt before District Collector at its office. Soon after Collector has immediately take action by deputing his monitoring team to visit the village to find the facts, there replaced with a new teacher. Soon after the CPC members have taken another step creates pressure to change the old VEC members those who were inactive since past 5 years not doing any action. In presence of BRCC and newly deputed teacher new faces were elected in VEC and found active in action. Now the VEC is regularly watching day-to-day activities of school, raising the exclusion issues in their meetings such as developed action plan to promote girl child education and stop early marriage. This year VEC/CPC/Child Clubs have taken the effort to enroll 5nos. of girl child to school. Like wise SOVA-IPAP is taking efforts to bring a small difference at grass root level for the better future of tribal children.