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Case study of Kaa Saunta

Untitled4A girl child Kaa Saunta aged 9yrs old belongs from Kondh community of ST Caste residing with her parents father Lachna Saunta Community does normally practice Kondh language in their day-to-day usage and Oriya is a foreign language though living at Orissa. 67 household of ST and 7 SC families resides in the village, main occupation of the people are cultivation and daily labour. Community is ignorant to many of government facilities. There is a Govt. Primary School established on 1971 with one teacher appointed.

Kaa is the youngest among her family was reading in Class-IIIrd at village primary school. Teacher seldom use to visit school and if so school open teacher goes on shouting in oriya language at classroom which was not childfriendly language especially for Kaa. As Kaa is shy in nature and does not speak much with any one because of Oriya as a secondary language.  Language as a barrier has made her compel to dropout from school since past one year recently engage in domestic work.




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